A broad spectrum antibiotic effective against both gram positive and gram negative pathogenic bacteria, including mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia. It is effective in the control and treatment of chicken dysentery, and paratyphoid in poultry and livestock.

1 kg contains: 200g Chlortetracycline

Reg. No.:

Reg. Nr. G4214 Act 36/1947

Species: ‏‏‎ ‎


Directions for use:

Use only as directed. Intended for further processing. To be mixed into feed before use.

Feed continuously at the following levels of inclusion:

Species Gram Maxitet CTC 20% FG per ton of feed Gram Chlortetracycline 20% Granular per ton of feed
Cattle 1.5kg – 2kg 300g – 400 g
Calves 1.5kg – 2kg 300g – 400 g
Chickens (Broilers, Breeders) 1.5kg – 2kg 300g – 400 g



Cattle & Calves: Meat: During treatment or 7 days thereafter

Chickens: Meat: During treatment or 4 days thereafter

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