Antiparasitic remedy for cattle and sheep with minerals to prevent and treat deficiencies.

Composition per ml:

Ivermectin 1% m/v, Copper (Cu) 2,86mg, Zinc (Zn) 0,04mg, Cobalt (Co) 0,12mg, Manganese (Mn) 1,98mg, Molibdenum (Mo) 0,5mg

Reg. No.:

G3724 Act 36/1947

Alt Reg. No.:

NS0 V08/18.1.8/449 Act 13/2003

Species: ‏‏‎ ‎



Cattle: 1ml IVERMAX + MINERALS per 50kg live mass

Sheep: 0.5ml IVERMAX + MINERALS per 25kg live mass

Route of administration: Subcutaneous injection only


Meat: 21 Days

Milk: Not for human consumption or less than 28 days prior to lactation (milk producing animals)

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